Wednesday, April 23, 2008


You Were Right All Along, John

Hey, John, this is Bob. I’m writing to let you know how right you were all along. You accurately nailed the folly of our ongoing practice of literally financing a lot of parasites in our society, and how to cut them loose. Great stuff! I mean, with literally thousands of them “…Feeding at the Washington Trough,” as you said, it’s a wonder we can call ourselves solvent. With all our real expenses piling up (Iraq, tax cuts, corporate tax cuts, prisoners expenses, building more submarines, etc.) we’ve got our hands full with must do expenses, and don’t need a lot of socialized freeloaders adding to our fiscal burden.

It was really Presidential of you, I have to say, when you had the courage and moral fiber to point out that we simply can no longer afford to finance such idiocy as Socialized Highway Departments. I mean, how goofy can we be, to fall for the idea of a government subsidizing the building and maintenance of our highways? God! You made a lot of friends, John, when you struck that practice down with your edict, which you correctly called Grave Assessment of the Situation, or GAS.

I know, you have other priorities to consider, there’s something new every day it seems. But your response to the charge that you will overuse the practice of signing statements to ignore laws that could inhibit you, was perfect. You simply considered your potential use of signing statements to be minimal procedural practice, and created another great program Defense Initiative (for) Rejecting Trivia, or DIRT. Calling it a national Defense measure will assure passage.

I’ve been waiting for the attacks on you from the media and others, for your correct stance on how we should treat the possibility of war with other nations. You’re absolutely correct, we can’t continue like we’re doing, with the expensive practice of “…Socialized Defense.” I mean, for the government to have to actually pay for a group of soldiers and Marines to go and fight some enemy, is what, Communism? You were right in calling it “Socialized Defense”. And your substitute - sending National Guard troops overseas, paid by their employers - was inspired. Think of the millions we’ll save with that program -– Defensive Unity (by) National Guards, or the DUNG program.

And while we’re at it, I saw your speech on the Economy the other day, which was brilliant. You sure quieted those who say you have no experience or study in Economics, when you pointed out that you have the answer for all money problems: your program you call WAR. Though some scoffed, your program you titled
Worldwide Aconomic Recovery, was brilliant. (I agree with you, we don’t have to sweat things like spelling. It’s not like you have to be flatulent in a number of languages.)

I won’t belabor things any more John, I know how busy you are. I’ll be able to rest as long as I know you’re going ahead with the elimination of things like “Socialized Education” (how arrogant is that, for us to pay for schooling poor people’s kids?) and “Socialized Police Forces”. But John, what I have had some really major concern about, truly, is the idea of “Socialized Medicine.” I know you won’t let it happen, I feel secure in that. The fact that it works flawlessly in Germany, Japan, Sweden, Britain, Canada, Switzerland, Norway, Israel, etc. etc. is beside the point. Like you said recently, what do they know? All that talk about their success with “Socialized Medicine” is pure propaganda. It’s easy to see those countries are bankrupt, because they are countries that don’t have a large standing army, don’t have a Mach 3 fighter plane, or Attack Submarines, and actually buy into the Climate Change myth, so how can they speak authoritatively on anything?

And that left-wing statement that you and 553 other members of the congress and Senate are provided great medical care, is beside the point. I remember your answer was great. You said: “… It’s not “Socialized Medicine” when it’s for the Congress, because the cost is covered in our patriotic program: Government Reply (to) Every Existing Doubt.” GREED - so that subject is above criticism. Right? In addition, you’ve helped make sure that the Insurance companies maximize their profit by authorizing as little care, and accepting as few sick patients, as possible. When they said 75% of the cost of medicine is from “administrative costs,” we found out that what all those administrative costs and mountains of paperwork are for is denying care.

So the system is running good, huh, John? And as for you in the White House, it’s probably comforting for you to know that you will have a good inventory of the countries that match the mold, at least for your lifetime. You know, the Big three? The Los Tres as Bush taught you to say in Spanish? You now have two that fit, besides Iraq, that have:

Huge Oil Deposits
Nuclear Ambitions
They Hate us

So all you have to do, admittedly child’s play, probably, is make sure Hugo Chavez is “discovered” working on a bomb. (He already hates us, that was easy.) Then with Colombia, which is already 2/3 - we should be able to get the conversation going on their bomb ambitions, which will give us enough time to make sure oil is discovered in North Korea.

So it looks like smooth sailing, big guy. Hang tough in the coming election. It looks like either one of the Democratic candidates will be an easy smear. Hillary with her killing of Vince Foster and Barack with that Weather Underground dude – child’s play.

I’ll see you around the campus.


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