Sunday, March 2, 2008


A ‘Defense Policy’ for OFFENSE?

In my last post, titled rhetorically Secretary of Peace? I pointed out the mindset and objectives of a group of NeoCons, addressing national Defense. The group was nominally headed by Richard Cheney, with assistance from Wolfowitz and Libby, and approved by the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs, namely Colin Powell. The gist of the post was that, in a huge document, Defense Planning Guidance, made public in 1992, this crowd quite humbly made it United States policy to:

take unilateral action where necessary (they did it eleven years later – 2003)
equate military and political power (like they did it in Iraq)
superpowers deserve super influence (Outrageous)

And, naturally, now that we know him a lot better, we know that the gist of the whole thing was Chicken Hawk Cheney’s dream for U.S domination by military supremacy.

Well, I pointed all that out in the other post (Secretary of Peace?) but what I missed in that effort makes me blush. I have rapidly become the guardian of the euphemism, it appears, and I missed a huge one in publishing that post. For God’s sake, when you create a binding government policy that calls for “unilateral action” (translation: bomb and kill and maim and destroy another country) and equate political power with military power (translation: if you can’t steal everything they have by talking, kill a few hundred thousand of them, they’ll come around) then in the name of honesty, HOW CAN YOU CALL IT A DEFENSE PLANNING GUIDANCE?

Unilateral military action is OFFENSE. Joining military power with political is OFFENSE.

So …there was another huge euphemism right in front of my face – I even linked the document for any reader to peruse it – and I failed to point it out. The bottom line is that, as my son Eric says, “…you can tell when Cheney’s lying… his lips will be moving.” This appraisal goes for all of those related to this document, and I just wanted to take a minute or so of your time to point out my failure to include it in the post.

It’s my unshakable belief that we cannot afford to allow this mob, or any succeeding one, to continue to control 99% of American people with the language! They never comprise one percent of us, so why are we allowing this?

Summary: a formal, written government document of policy that concerns itself 100% with offensive military action against others, and is named “Defense Policy”, is an outright lie. It tells us a lot about those who composed it. It shows, with no room for excuses, that since they lie about the document in its very title, they have something to hide. GOD, haven’t we had enough of this?

Barack, if you read this, I have a couple hundred million friends who are counting on you to sweep out that prevalence of stink in Washington. Please?

Faithfully, in the interest of the American people

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